Top of ICORR2009 : International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics in Kyoto, Japan

2nd Call for Papers

Download the Call for Papers in pdf format from here!

The 2009 IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR 2009 is a joint effort of the two IEEE Societies: Robotics and Automation (RAS) and Engineering, Medicine, and Biology (EMBS). The theme of the conference is "Reaching Users & the Community."

The program for ICORR 2009 will bring both the basic sciences of rehabilitation robotics, novel designs, their employment in clinical trials and case studies, and their relevance to end users. The conference will be focused on the following topics:

  • Assistive Robotics
  • Therapeutic Robotics
  • Mechatronics in Prosthetics
  • Artificial Human Exoskeletons
  • Psychosocial Robotics
  • Robotics for Caregiving
  • Neural-Machine Interfaces & Control
  • Robotics for Human-Motion Analysis
  • Evaluation & Clinical Experience

The conference consists of 1-day pre-conference with workshops and tutorials, and 2 1/2-days of single session main conference. Roadmap discussion is planned to follow after the closing ceremony.
The main conference program intends to lead discussion based on the accepted academic papers, while pre-conference program has less restriction to attract free discussion on the leading-edge research and guidance to the newcomers and young researchers. Contributed papers with videos, Organized SIGs (Special Interest Groups) proposals, and Workshops/Tutorials proposals are invited as follows.

Main Conference
The main conference program consists of 4 different types of presentations:
Plenary Lectures: Invited presentations by prominent scientists
Podium Sessions: Unidirectional presentation with projection support. Presenters will be provided with microphone, beamer, and pointer.
Interactive Sessions: Bidirectional presentation with hardware, software, laptop and poster support. Presenters will be provided with a table, display board, power outlet.
Forum Discussions: Plenary discussion with users, their physicians and expert scientists on their cases.

Contributed Papers
Podium and Interactive Sessions are equivalent in that both types require submission of full paper that undergo the same peer review process, and are, upon acceptance, included in the Conference Proceedings as such with no reference to the type of presentation. Prospective authors are invited to submit their full-length papers for the Interactive Sessions. Few of the accepted papers form each key topic will be selected by the Program Committee and invited for additional presentation for the Podium Session. It is our intention to have Podium Session presentations with topics of general interest, while Interactive Session presentations allow in-depth discussion of your work.
Each paper should be concise, but contain sufficient detail and references to allow critical review. Each paper will be judged by at least two referees.

All papers must be submitted electronically in double column IEEE-compliant PDF format. Papers must be prepared at A4 size strictly following the IEEE PDF Requirements for creating PDF Documents for IEEE Xplore. The conference recommends that authors try to keep the final version of their manuscripts below 500 KB, and no more than 2MB. File larger than 2 MB cannot be uploaded through the manuscript submission system.
The standard number of pages is 6, meanwhile we will accept papers with the minimum pages of 4 and maximum of 10. The extra 4 pages will require extra payment based on the next price table.

4-6 pagesno additional charge
7 pages+ 4,000 JPY4,000 JPY/page (7-8 pages)
8 pages+ 8,000 JPY
9 pages+ 16,000 JPY8,000 JPY/page (9-10 pages)
10 pages+ 24,000 JPY

Please be informed that all accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceedings and will be indexed by IEEE Xplore.

For further instruction on preparing your paper, a submission page will be opened soon. Meanwhile, please visit the IEEE RA Society's "Page settings and margin requirements" for reference.

Submit your contribution via PaperPlaza
The paper submission deadline already has passed. Thank you for your contributions.

Initial video contributions (a self-contained 1-2 minutes video not connected with a paper), which consist of a mpeg file (max 5 MB), can be submitted together with your submission. Your video contribution should not have a commercial pitch. The authors of each video must have clear copyright of the audio and visual content. Videos should not use special codecs (coders/decoders) in order to provide as much portability across platforms as possible. We strongly recommend the most common media formats (mpeg 1, 2 or 4). Only freely available players (e.g., QuickTime, RealPlayer, Microsoft Windows Media Player, MPlayer) should be required for viewing the video. Providing video portability is a responsibility of the authors, also in their interest.
The videos must be uploaded at the time of paper submission for the review process. The videos will be included in the proceedings media, however, due to the IEEE policy, the videos can not be treated as a part of proceeding paper in the IEEE Xplore.

Organized SIGs (Special Interest Groups)
We intend to prompt deep discussion of the presented research and invite proposals to create a favorable atmosphere. Smaller focused grouping named as Organized SIGs can be proposed in the Interactive Sessions.
Organizers are encouraged to collect papers and form a group with new and inspiring approaches on targeted topics or keywords. All papers in the Interactive Sessions will be reviewed and evaluated by the Program Committee. Therefore, the organizer will be appointed as the Interactive Session Chair for the Organized SIG, however will not have the discretion for the paper acceptance of the organized SIG. A typical organized SIG should consist of 4 to 5 related papers at proposal, and if the proposal is accepted, the Program Committee will provide assistance on finalizing the group of accepted papers in the Organized SIG.
Proposers should submit a brief statement on the purpose of the session including following items for the evaluation by the Program Committee. Information to provide in your application for the Organize SIGs are:
(1) group title
(2) organizers name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information
(3) abstract (100-300 words) on the purpose or the focused area of the group and its relation to the theme and topics
(4) open submission or invited submission.

Organized SIG proposal will be reviewed by the Program Committee and acceptance or denial will be noticed prior to the paper submission deadline. The accepted SIGs' group name, organizer and abstract will be announced on this website. The number of acceptable organized SIGs is limited, so denial of the SIG proposal does NOT mean that the topic is unimportant to the conference. Please submit the paper under the listed topic, in such unfortunate case.

Submit your SIG proposal via PaperPlaza
The SIG proposal submission deadline already has passed. Thank you for your contributions.

Pre-conference Program
Pre-conference Workshops/Tutorials will be held on June 23. The goal of the Workshops/Tutorials is to provide less-limited focused discussion of new or innovative topics. We solicit tutorial and workshop proposals that address important and new topics related to the conference theme and topics. Workshops should focus on areas of active research, in order to provide an informal forum for participants to exchange developing research results and ideas. Tutorials should target established fields of research, in order to provide descriptions on its state of the art, by individuals who are recognized researchers of the field. We recommend the presenters to prepare a short manuscript of their talk to invite participant to their session. The Workshop /Tutorial organizer should lead the process. The Program Committee will not reviewed the manuscript nor limit their presentation. Submitted manuscripts will be included in Pre-conference Proceedings, which will be prepared separately from the main program proceedings. Furthermore, the participation fees will be set separately from the main conference, as well.
The major restriction of preparing the Workshops/Tutorials is the denial of identical papers and presentations scheduled for the main conference. The organizer must instruct the presenters not to use the identical presentation in the pre-conference program. (This does not restrict the promotion of the presentation in the main conference program.)
Five conference rooms facilities, capacity of the largest room is 100 seats, will be available for this purpose.
We encourage proposals that will attract a broad audience from industry and medical/rehabilitation field. The primary criteria for selection are anticipated level of interest, impact, novelty or creativity, and technical background of presenters.
Information to provide in your application for the Workshops/Tutorials are:
(1) session form (e.g. laboratory session, workshop or tutorial) and title
(2) statement of objectives [100-300 Words]
(3) organizers name(s), affiliation(s), and contact information
(4) list of speakers, topics and approximate time
(5) intended audience, and if possible their estimated number.

Workshops/Tutorials proposal will be reviewed by the Program Committee and acceptance or denial will be noticed shortly after the paper submission deadline, Jan 31, 2009. The dead line for the manuscript for the Workshops/Tutorials will be after the final paper submission deadline, April 25th, 2009 and the specific date will be noticed to Workshops/Tutorials organizer in the acceptance letter. The accepted programs with their statement of objectives will be announced on the ICORR2009 website. The number of acceptable Workshops/Tutorials is limited, so denial of the Workshop/Tutorial proposal does not mean that the proposal is unimportant to the conference.

Submit your Workshops/Tutorials proposal via PaperPlaza
The Workshops/Tutorials proposal submission deadline already has passed. Thank you for your contributions.

The conference will issue at least the following awards:

ICORR 2009 Best Paper Award
IEEE TNSRE (Trans. on Neural Systems and Rehab. Eng.) Best Paper Award

Each best paper award will be selected by the corresponding committee based on the submitted paper.

ICORR 2009 Young Researcher Travel Award
The young researchers of aged 35 and under on June 23, 2009 can apply for a limited number of travel awards to support the cost of attending ICORR 2009. The international (i.e. outside of Japan) travel awards will be JPY 70,000, and the domestic travel awards will be JPY 30,000. Students, post-doctoral fellows and investigators who submitted a paper for presentation at ICORR 2009 as the first author are qualified for the travel awards.
The Awards Committee strongly encourages women, minorities, students and individuals with disabilities to apply for the travel awards. You can apply for the award through the Award Nomination Menu of the IEEE PaperPlaza by uploading the nominate sheet to verify your qualification for age, female, minority, students and/or disability status, after submitting your paper through the IEEE PaperPlaza. You can get the nominate sheet from here. The awards will be selected taking account the submitted paper.

Note: The nominator should fill in the ICORR 2009 Young Researcher Travel Award Nominate Sheet (a .doc file), including in particular the student's data, the number provided by the PaperPlaza system to the already submitted paper, and a justification for the request. The paper should not be resubmitted, as it is already in the system. The filled Request Form should be converted to a PDF file and submitted through the conference submission website (PaperPlaza, Type of submission: Young Researcher Travel Award).

Submit your Nominate Sheet via PaperPlaza

Deadline of Submission of Nominate Sheet: April 25, 2009

Congratulations Travel Award Recipients!

ICORR 2009 Young Researcher Travel Award Recipients

  • Frank C. Sup, Vanderbilt University, USA
  • Young Sang Choi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
  • Ozkan Celik, Rice University, USA
  • Heike Vallery, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Sujata Pradhan, University of Washington, USA
  • Hakan Ertas, Sabanci University, Turkey

ICORR 2009 Best Presentation Award
Several outstanding presentations will be recognized as ICORR 2009 Best Presentation Award.

Submission of DIGEST SLIDE
Final submissions of Contributed paper are required to submit a DIGEST SLIDE based on template downloaded from here. This slide will be used in the program book that is handed out to all conference delegates. DIGEST SLIDEs must be PowerPoint 97-2003 file (.ppt).

Submit your DIGEST SLIDE via PaperPlaza

Template of a DIGEST SLIDE

People considering a proposal, for Workshops/Tutorials in the pre-conference and Organized SIG for the Interactive Sessions are encouraged to contact Kengo Ohnishi, Co-Chair & Scientific Program Chair of the conference (e-mail : program_chair 'at', for more information. If you have problem planning a proposal or selecting the area of your paper, feel free to contact the Program Committee, as well. The conference program styles and names are changed from the past ICORRs to follow the IEEE's definitions and rules.

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ALL photos of Kyoto were offered by the Kyoto Convention Bureau.